Christie Gardiner is a bestselling author, speaker, trainer and podcaster. She is the author of three books including the best-selling book, You Are the Mother Your Children Need. Christie enjoys speaking and inspiring audiences worldwide with her empowering message about the motivating power of showing up to take action in their lives exactly as they are. Known as an expert in the field of personal development, Christie’s training has helped people all over the world to find their voices and make a difference in their own unique ways. The charitable arm of her endeavors, “Getting Proximate,” teaches and encourages people to get close to the most vulnerable members of their communities. In her spare time, Christie can be found in nature, on her yoga mat, performing on the stage or carpooling her children to their activities. Christie lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah with her husband and three children.
Connect with Christie and her resources at www.christiegardiner.com
How to put into words how Christie Gardiner has empowered me to overcome many obstacles in my life this past year and look at things differently. From my year with breast cancer she showed me how having a strong community behind me allowed me to overcome and beat cancer. She showed me how to accept everyone and how to navigate through muddy waters mentally and emotionally. She taught me how to slow down, restructure myself and focus on my goals (personally and through business). The biggest obstacle I had encountered this year was when my husband and I decided to feed the homeless on Thanksgiving through a non profit known as Gobble Gobble Give. Being new to our community we did not have many friends and zero family here to help us nor did we know how to even go about getting donations. After consulting with Christie about our goals for Gobble Gobble Give she quickly assessed everything and came up with a plan. She recommend service online on how to organize the event, she recommended who to talk to and where I should post about the event online and before I knew it my phone was ringing off the hook with eager and incredibly heartwarming community members that wanted to help and donate. The event was a total hit and with the help, guidance and incredible support from Christie we were able to feed 1,000 homeless individuals in Salt Lake City and gain a huge network of community members that are ready to triple that number for next years Gobble Gobble Give. The world truly could benefit from more Christies to assist people in living their absolute best life!
I love Christie’s HONESTY. She is willing to have the hard conversations and inspire others to move forward.
I found Christie to be masterful at recognizing my strengths and talents and encouraging me to develop them in productive ways. She is a great listener and follows up, which encourages accountability. Christie makes practical suggestions for overcoming obstacles and offers encouragement in pursuit of your goals. I felt she cared about my success, and that made a positive difference in my progress.
I highly recommend Christie’s programs to anyone.
After I read Christie’s book “You Are the Mother Your Children Need” I quickly purchased ten extra copies for good friends and women I felt the need to give one to. It inspired me so much as I read it to take action in my life and take a deep breath and just be present. I contacted Christie online and she motivated me to take the steps to embrace my talents audition for a role in a play at a local theatre. I had done musical theatre all growing up along with dance and had taken a ten year hiatus. I was terrified of failure and not being good enough. With her motivation and coaching on a few things, I got ready for my audition I did it! I was cast in the show and it was amazing to know I had accomplished a dream of mine and to remember that I had power! I love Christie’s books and she has become a dear friend who inspires me. She has truly helped me to help myself rise to my potential.
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