I am sick to my stomach right now. Sick with excitement, sick with anticipation, sick with vulnerability. All of the sicks.
Tomorrow I will take the stage in the Northern Utah, Listen to Your Mother event. Brainchild of Anne Imig, the event is meant to give “motherhood a microphone” across the nation in a 32 city experience.
As a writer, I’m deeply grateful to stand with fifteen of Utah’s favorite writers, speakers, bloggers, and columnists who cherish motherhood as much as I do. We will attempt to unwrap our hearts and let you all have a good peek at them, hoping that in some way you will be able to say, ‘me too.’
Hope to see you there.
April 29, 7 p.m.
University of Utah Union Building Ballroom
From the South:
Take I-15 north to 215 east. Exit at Foothill Blvd. Take Foothill Blvd. to Mario Capecchi Drive. Turn right. Bear left; go under the Legacy Bridge and cross tracks to Wasatch Drive. Turn left on North Campus Drive and then left on Central Campus Drive. Continue driving past the Union to the visitor parking area.
From the North:
Take I-15 south to I-80 east. Exit at Foothill Blvd. Take Foothill Blvd. to Mario Capecchi Drive. Turn right. Bear left; go under the Legacy Bridge and cross tracks to Wasatch Drive. Turn left on North Campus Drive and then left on Central Campus Drive. Continue driving past the Union to the visitor parking area.